stupid moments

last night, i was playing trivial pursuit with some friends and had a rather stupid moment. a question something along the lines of this came to me:
"Which actor was the first to be a pitch man for an internet company?"
while i was contemplating an answer, one of the other players asked what a pitch man was; i gave them the example of william shatner doing advertisements for priceline.com. i finally gave up and threw out some random name, only to find out that the correct answer was actually william shatner. i stayed upset for the rest of the game.

logic that makes sense until you think about it:
1) Liberals want all people to be equal
2) The only time all people are equal is when they're dead
3) Therefore, liberals want all people to be dead

technically it's a valid argument, but it's far from being a sound one.

ok, now i'm off to do something else unproductive. later.

oh yeah, i put up a list of the books i've read so far over here; i'll be updating it as i go.