Blog Burst for Israel

Well, there was supposed to be more to this, but my computer is being stupid. That's also why it's up so late. But here goes:

Today is the anniversary of the UN vote on resolution 181, which approved the partition of the western part Palestine into a predominately Jewish state and a predominately Arab state. (It is vital to recall that the UN partition plan referred to western Palestine, to underscore that in 1921 the eastern part was ripped off the Jewish National Home by the British Government and handed over to the then Emir Abdullah.)

The partition plan was approved by 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions.

The 33 countries that cast the “Yes” vote were: Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Byelorussia, Canada, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, Liberia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine, Union of South Africa, USSR, USA, Uruguay, Venezuela. (Among other countries, the list includes the US, the three British Dominions, all the European countries except for Greece and the UK, but including all the Soviet-block countries.)

The 13 countries that chose the Hall of Shame and voted “No” were: Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen. (Ten of these are Moslem countries; Greece has the special distinction of being the only European country to have joined the Hall of Shame.)

The ten countries that abstained are: Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Honduras, Mexico, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia.

On November 30, 1947, the day following the vote, the Palestinian Arabs murdered six Jews in a bus making its way to Jerusalem, and proceeded to murder another Jew in the Tel-Aviv - Jaffa area. This was a prelude to a war that claimed the lives of 6,000 Jews, or 1% of the total Jewish population in 1948. This toll is the per capita equivalent of today’s Canada losing 300,000 lives, or the US losing 3,000,000.

The object of the war, launched by the Arabs in the former Palestine and the armies of Egypt, Tansjordan, Syria and Lebanon (with help from other Arab countries), was to "throw the Jews into the sea". As the partition map indicates, however, rather than annihilate the Jewish population, the Arabs ended up with less territory than they would have gained by peaceful means.

In addition to the bloodshed in nascent Israel, immediately after the UN vote, Arabs attacks their Jewish neighbours in a number of Arab countries, the murders in Syria’s Aleppo being the best known.

Bruised and bleeding, Israel prevailed nonetheless. May our sister-democracy thrive and flourish.

Participating Sites, in alphabetical order:

Anti Idiotarian Rottweiler
Arkansas Bushwacker
Armies Of Liberation
Bama Pachyderm
Blog Willy
Blue Rev
Canadian Comment

Cao's Blog
Catholic Friends of Israel
Christian Patriot
Christian Action for Israel
Clarity and Resolve
Crusader War College
Daniel Davis

God Pigeon
Harald Tribune
Heretics Almanac
Hidden Nook
History Nerd
I Love America
Instant Knowledge News

Israel Commentary
Jersusalem Posts
Leaning Right News
Letter from Israel

Mugged By Reality
Mystery Achievement
Mystical Paths
Nice Jewish Boy
Protect Our Heritage
Red Tigress

Spitball Defense
Tampa Bay Primer
Techie Vampire
Tex The Pontificator
The Autism homepage

The Conservative
The Homeland
The Seal Club
Who's Your Rabbi
Yoan Hermida
Weblog of a Wondering Jew


me, a nerd?

yeah, its true. as i've mentioned to some of you before, i'm playing a good, old-fashioned, pencil-and-paper, tabletop RPG at school with some friends. and i love it. it's based loosely on "the fantasy trip", written by a guy named steve jackson back in the 70s. here's an example of some of the things we have to think about on a weekly basis; but like i said, the game we're playing has been heavily modified. it's really nice in that we use only 6-sided dice (standard dice), none of those 20-sided or even 100-sided dice; it makes life a lot simpler. sadly enough, however, i finally broke down and bought my own dice... because i am that big of a nerd.

hats off to mark schuldt, the gm. we actually played another version of this last year; it was fun, but kinda sloppy. mike z (a warrior monk) and me (started as a thief/assassin, got turned into a vampire and got so buff that i ended up becoming a warrior) were doing ridiculous amounts of damage, and everyone else was just kind of tagging along. he spent the summer working on this version (six bullets under a blood red sun), set in a futuristic old-west (think trigun) world; i have to say it was time well spent. this new version is much more balanced, and our characters are more specialized: we have a sniper (pat/bobo), a tank (andrew/job), a demolitions expert (me/jules verne... i'm also working on gunsmithing), and a guy who plays occasionally, and is sort of a jack of all trades (jason/?... hopefully he'll work on gambling too). while we don't really need everybody to be successful, life is a lot easier when we're all playing.

ok, time to get some homework done... don't want this break to be a complete waste of time. later all.


home for the holiday

it's not "the holidays", they're a month apart for crying out loud. halloween is closer to thanksgiving than christmas is. anyways, i'm going to be spending time with family and friends, and hopefully getting some homework done, so don't expect too much in the way of updates until next week. have a great thanksgiving all.


anyone who says history is boring is a liar

while reading for class tomorrow, i stumbled across the following segment, and found it extremely funny. it shows the extent that the ideas of chivalry and honor affected peoples' thinking.

One of Duke Louis' exploits shows particularly clearly the nature of much of this warfare. He was operating on the borders of Poitou at the head of strong company, almost a small army, consisting largely of his own retainers and vassals. He decided to attack a castle that was held for the Black Prince by an English garrison commanded by a squire. The duke first attempted to take the place by assault, but it was too strong and too well defended. He then settled down to mining. The garrison soon guessed what was going on and started a countermine. One day as the duke was sitting in his tent, one of his men came to tell him that the two mines had met. He immediately ordered his herald to inquire whether any noble knight in the castle would like to meet a noble French knight in the mine. The captain replied that the garrison lacked knights, but a noble squire would be delighted to fight in the mine. This satisfied the duke, and arming himself from head to foot, he descended into the mine to meet the English captain. The mine was so low and narrow that one could neither raise a weapon nor move one's arms far from one's sides. Fighting consisted of the two men poking their swords at one another. As it was impossible for knights in armor to hurt each other in this way, it was a thoroughly enjoyable affair. The duke got so excited that he shouted his war cry, and the squire recognized it and asked if he were really fighting the duke of Bourbon. When he learned what a great honor had been done him by being allowed to fight so noble a prince, he offered to surrender the castle if Bourbon would dub him a knight. The duke agreed but asked that the surrender be put off till the next day. It would be selfish of them to deny their followers the pleasure of fighting in the mine. So all that day, two by two, French and English poked at each other in the mine. Next morning the castle surrendered, the duke dubbed the squire, they exchanged gifts,and everyone went his way.

(from Western Europe in the Middle Ages: 300-1475, by Brian Teirney, pp. 509-510)

how awesome is that?

testing, testing

this could be fun. i found a new service today that lets you host all sorts of files... word documents, mp3's, whatever. its really nice for people like me who aren't web-savvy enough to do that sort of thing for myself. the free accounts are fairly limited, but they're free, and small users like me really don't need much.

and now for a test. if this works, you will get a glimpse of my writing skills, or lack thereof:

siege of rhodes, 1522

it got a good grade, but i'm hoping to fix it up... with nich fox gone, it's got a decent chance of winning me a scholarship in the bi-annual, by-department writing contest here at whitworth. if you have any recommendations, let me know. also, i'll be adding the works cited page as soon as i find it or make a new one.


watching donnie darko before bed may cause strange dreams. which is completely understandable, because it is a very strange movie. so last night i dreamed that i could see the future in my dreams. nothing big, just random circumstances... but then i'd get to them and be like whoa, this already happened. i think this may actually be a recurring dream; but then i stopped to think about it, and i might just have dreamed that this was a recurring dream. which would be incredibly weird. but now i've got a record of it, in case i have more dreams like that, so i can be sure that this one actually happened.

and now, for some fun stuff.

first, some politically incorrect humor:
three terrorists--a pakistani, an iranian, and a saudi--walk into a bar. then it blows up.

and now some quotes from various points in the week:
"Ideally, this organism should not eat people." --Dr. John Yoder, in a politics class of all places

"If only I were a male, I could be a sexual predator." --Alison [last name omitted for privacy]

a new hero, until the next one comes along

for now, my new hero is beth from my vast right wing conspiracy. she already had some pretty good posts, and then she put up a link to this. to me, that is just awesome. and now it's time for bed, cause i'm getting up early (well, about 9. but i slept till almost noon today, so it's relatively early) to go to a greek orthodox church downtown. should be fun.

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and i thought cutting myself shaving hurt

wow. after reading this article, i really don't think anybody reading this ever gets to complain about pain, ever again. unless you get shot in the face or something, but then you probably won't be around to complain.

thanks to beth for the heads-up... no pun intended.


curious dan

is not a curious little monkey. but he is still curious. because of that, and because i'm wondering once more how many (or few) readers i actually have, i'm going to pose a question, and ask all of you to answer it in the comments section.

question: what is your least favorite word? an explanation would be nice, but is not necessary.

"Insert entertaining quote here." --Anonymous

actual entertaining quotes, ripping into both sides--the best kind of political humor.

"Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, it was announced Sunday, will be made into a Broadway musical comedy. It's about a sophisticated con man who fleeces rich widows and heiresses. It was a hit movie twice before it was made into a presidential candidate." --Argus Hamilton

"Tony Blair called an international conference in London in January to solve the Israeli versus Palestinian conflict. There's no reason to get discouraged. The Bush Doctrine holds to the belief that war is like love, it always finds a way." --Argus Hamilton

what are the odds?

for the last few weeks now, i've been having trouble staying focused on classes and on my homework. its been making things really stressful... i've had no motivation to do work, so it gets put off till the last minute, and life basically sucks. i've been praying about it, but then not really changing any of my habits, which kind of defeats the purpose. so then about 15 minutes ago, i open up my bible for the first time in way too long to the place i was last reading, which happened to be proverbs chapter 2. here are the first six verses, without their numbers:

My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. (NIV)

looks like i finally got the answer that God has been trying to send me for who knows how long now. to put it in more modern (and possibly more geeky) terms, you need to turn on the computer before you can read your email. g'night all.

ow. just... ow.

so i learned tonight that it's really not a good idea to move the razor sideways when you're shaving. in fact, i would go so far as to say that it's a downright bad idea. it doesn't look like much, but i definitely have some nice little razor cuts under the edge of my left nostril. on a scale of one to uncomfortable, it hurts like heck. and having a band-aid there looks really funny. on that note, i'm going to finish a paper that i meant to have done before dinner, and go to bed. g'night all.

"He is totally grabbing Mel Gibson's nipple." --Pat

i'm really going to bed now

but first, i wanted to share this information. i'm not sure how many ballots are left to count, but as of about 7:30 tuesday night, dino rossi leads christine gregoire by 19 votes in the race for the governor's seat.


revenge of the creep

entaro adun, executor. despite our best efforts, the creep has returned. as yet we have spotted no zerg activity, but we believe it to be only a matter of time before they attack in force. your mission, whether or not you choose to accept it, is to eliminate the creep once and for all. good luck... you're going to need it.

explanation: the creep is how dave and i refer to the mess in our room, which can be seen below. it never gets messy all at once; trash, laundry, books... it gradually spreads across the floor, consuming everything in its path. assuming we are ever able to complete our campaign of cleaning, i hope to have some "after" pictures up, to prove that our room is once again suitable for life, human or otherwise.

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i think that's actually a reflection of me on my monitor... weird

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creep doesn't look too bad from that angle...

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dave is an amazing photographer, as evidenced by the camera string in the picture

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well, at least the ceiling is clean

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oh sh-t, zergling rush!

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we... are going... to die!

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all quiet on the western front...

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sir! they've captured the high ground!

if i don't post again in the next few days, you can assume that our position has been overrun, and should be avoided at all costs. it would be a shame to see this spread to the rest of mankind. when it does, it usually ends up evolving into something like this.


who'da thunk it?

so i just took a fun "what famous leader are you?" test over at similar minds; the results can be seen at the bottom of my side bar. it was rather unexpected, but relatively not too bad. JFK--the real one, not the wannabe running this year--was a fairly cool guy. he had the balls (pardon the expression, but that's pretty much what it came down to) to stand up to the USSR in the cuban missle crisis, and he earns plenty of cool points for that. and it could've been much worse... beth over at MVRWC definitely ended up as saddam. she's got links to that and a "what movie are you" test. good times.

"The performers are not grinning scarecrows sent here to torture and manipulate you." from Critic Intro, by They Might Be Giants.

ow! my stomach lining!

no, thank goodness, i didn't get msg'd. i would like to remind everyone, though, that drinking mountain dew before breakfast is a bad idea. even if you have sun chips to wash down with it.

unfortunately, that's all i could come up with. i'll do a real update one of these days... maybe even include some history related stuff.

"Yasser Arafat was remembered in Cairo Friday as a shrewd and wily leader. He believed that you should walk a mile in a man's shoes before you judge him. That way by the time you judge him, you will be a mile away and you will have his shoes." --Argus Hamilton


this is just beautiful

i really can't think of any better use for the guy. thanks to my good buddy (who i don't actually know and have never actually met) the rottweiler for the heads up.


pearl harbor sucked, and i miss you

hooray for saturdays. it's really nice to just be able to sleep in (noon today!) and not have to worry about being awake for classes. especially when you're up till 3:30. i realize that's not overly late, especially for BJ, but still later than i stay up most nights. got in some fantasy trip again, first time in a few weeks. pat was gone to a programming competition down in oregon, but everybody else--jason, andrew, myself, and the gm mark--was able to make it, and we got in a good 3 1/2 or 4 hours of gaming. which is actually relatively little... i remember when we first got the game started (well, a different version... we started over this year) last year around fall break, we put in about 11 hours the first day. it was pretty awesome.

i was also able to get in several movies over this last week, some i hadn't seen before, and some that i had that were still awesome. first off, as the title of the post suggests, is "team america: world force". it was a hilarious movie... ripped into movie stars (members of the Film Actors Guild, or FAG) for thinking they were qualified to talk politics, made fun of michael moore, and managed a fairly humorous portrayal of terrorists. as long as you don't mind horrible amounts of swearing, crude/sexual content, and puppets having sex (i would recommend skipping that scene... *shudder....), it's worth watching. if you decide not to watch it... well, you're really not missing much.

i also finally saw "so i married an axe murderer", which is freaking hilarious. a must see, especially for fans of mike myers and/or crazy old scottish people.

watched "hellboy" with mark last night, waiting for andrew to get back from a speaker he went to and jason to finish some homework. it was decent, but i would probably class it as a "b" movie. good action and a decent plot. worth watching, but not worth paying to watch. then after tripping we watched "dark city", a fairly strange movie, but a very good one. it really left me wishing i was the main character, if for no other reason than that he woke up to find out that he was married to a very attractive character portrayed by jennifer connelly. why can't something like that happen to me? probably because she's 14 years older than me, is already married and has a kid. oh well, her loss.

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and then there's the other fun part about saturdays: having plenty of time to do homework. wait, that's not fun. but still necessary, so i'm off. later all.


i always knew europeans were weird...

...but this is something more than even i would have expected. apparently, there was advertising for a pole dancing class over in britain. while i personally think the sex industry is unnecessary, immoral, and downright dirty, this is something i would normally overlook. except that this class was proposing to teach pole dancing to girls as young as 11. it's bad enough when adults do it, but pre-pubescent (yes, i did just use that term) girls? they should be out having tea parties, or playing soccer or volleyball or something. or learning to be artists. or attempting to equalize the nerd population by getting into computers. luckily, britain's equivelant of CPS stepped up to the plate, and the age for the class has been bumped back up to 18+. still wrong, but better than it was before.

thanks to michelle malkin for the heads up.


finally, a clue. now let's see if they can find some more of them.

hooray for europeans with a clue. like the head of NATO, general jaap de hoop scheffer, who believes that it is up to europe, not the united states, to bridge the gap that has come between us. you go jaap. and make sure some other europeans go with you.

one question: why didn't someone do this sooner?

for the second time today, i have to say that it's about freaking time. i'm too lazy and too tired to type up a full post; so go here and read beth's writeup. if you're too lazy to do that, just follow this lovely little link, and help put the moonbats back in line.


its about freaking time

reliable sources ranging from cbs to al-jazeera have proclaimed it: yasser arafat is dead. while i'm glad that he's gone, i'm a little disappointed at his timing. kevin over at wizbang was offering $25 to whoever guessed closest to when the official announcement of his death would come. hoping for a true day of thanksgiving, i guessed he would hang onto life until november 25 at 0700 GMT. at that point, we would all have great reason to celebrate, and while jumping up and down shouting "allahu akbar!" (wait, that's their line...)--or maybe just jumping up and down--we would either a) burn off all the calories from thanksgiving dinner or b) upset our stomach and puke up all the calories from thanksgiving dinner. i think "b" would be the most fitting tribute to the life of arafat.

my eulogy: "the world is better off without you, mr. arafat. good riddance to a bad waste of oxygen. amen."

more red dominance

this time, in the field of generousity. thanks to michelle malkin.

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i would recommend reading michelle's article and following the links she gives... the table will make more sense that way.

on a side note, happy birthday to the marine corps! they turned 229 today. keep up the good work guys.

fun with pictures

tonight's prime time was "the gun show"... basically an excuse to do goofy pictures. my roommate is one of the BJ RAs, so he was kind of in charge of it. i may post more pictures of it in awhile, after i get to know more of the froshmen, but for now here's a few of me and dave (roomie/RA):

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me getting ready for the "gun show"... yay for small caliber guns.

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me, "happy" version; that's supposed to be an american flag on my arm, but it didn't really turn out

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me, "intense" version

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this is dave, in a child's halloween costume from the classy rack

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i wish i could say he was on drugs, but no... he's pretty much always like this

so that was fun. it's been awhile since i added pictures, hopefully you enjoy them. maybe eventually i'll actually post something about history again.

"Actually, its an accretion disk." --Colonel Jack O'Neill, of Stargate SG-1


it's worth a shot

yesterday morning in class, i made a very interesting agreement with one of my professors. he's a pacifist, and a fairly liberal democrat (most of you at whitworth should know him) who teaches political science. however, he said there was something that i could do to make vote republican: get bill gates to give a $1,000,000,000 (yes, that's one billion dollars) endowment to whitworth. as unlikely to happen as that is, i think it's worth trying, just to see this professor vote republican. i've got a meeting with him tomorrow, maybe we'll be able to hammer out a few more details on this friendly bet. bill, if you're reading this, head over here and put a billion into the whitworth fund; and make sure to stick my name (daniel bareither) into the comments section, so i can prove that my end of the bet was fulfilled.

as you may have noticed, i've switched my comments system over to haloscan. at least i think i have. i had forrest help me with it, but i'm still not sure it's 100%. maybe that's just my compy being stupid again. and unfortunately, all of the old comments on my blog were lost. so show you care, and start leaving some new ones.

"Reading whole books is not a bad idea." --Dr. John Yoder

the new comment system appears to be working. unless i encounter a problem, i officially give it a thumb's up.

a note to the nay-sayers

thanks to beth over at MVRWC, i've discovered another blog that's very worth reading. the mesopotamian is written by an iraqi blogger named alaa, who seems very supportive of our efforts over there, especially in regards to the situation in fallujah. keep up the good work, alaa... america needs your voice.

i realize the election is over now, and i said i'd stop making fun of kerry, but i just found this quote from letterman today, and decided it needed to be shared:
"John Kerry says the 'W' in George W. Bush stands for 'Wrong.' But he still can't explain what John Kerry stands for." —David Letterman

we're kicking @$$... again

the belmont club has a rundown on the situation in fallujah. apparently, we're kicking some serious terrorist-butt over there. we're breaking up the defenses, and systematically destroying the enemy. and so far we've only had 2 casualties, neither of which were combat related. a pair of marines were driving a bulldozer and it flipped into the euphrates river, taking them with it.

don't get me wrong... those losses are unfortunate. but this is nowhere near the "vietnam II" forrest was predicting. this is like the new york yankees (yes, i hate them too, but they are pretty darn good) playing against your highschool baseball team. the highschoolers may get a run or too, but the game is really over before it begins, and is going to end with a horribly lopsided score in favor of the yankees.

go US.


why, exactly, would we have wanted france along for the ride?

i'm still not entirely sure. first off, we have a report that the animal that is the epitome of the french fighting spirit is the chicken. go figure.

next, we find that the french have their own problems with a unilateral situation. if the french can't even handle the ivory coast--where, by the way, they've maintained a presence even after it declared its independence from france in 1960--how could we expect them to deal with the "streams of terrorists coming into iraq" that the media keeps telling us about? not to mention the fact that france has had no significant military achievements since the time of napoleon; and napoleon was corsican, not french.

alright... my day is complete. i managed to include both a bash of the french and a little bit of history in the same post. life is good.

well, sort of. i actually forgot to give credit for the story, which i found over at T.A.I.R. sorry about that guys.


an oldie but a goodie

this is really old news now. in fact, it may be old enough that it no longer even qualifies as news. but that's ok. i just wanted everybody to know that bill cosby is one of my heroes.

"Christians should remember that the just-war doctrine is not grounded in revenge, punishment, or even justice. Thomas Aquinas discussed it in Summa theologica -- not in the section on justice but in the section on charity (that is, the love of God). As Christian scholar Darrell Cole writes, 'The Christian who fails to use force to aid his neighbor when prudence dictates that force is the best way to render that aid is an uncharitable Christian. Hence Christians who willingly and knowingly refuse to engage in a just war ... fail to show love towards their neighbor as well as towards God.' Out of love of neighbor, then, Christians can and should support a preemptive strike, if ordered by the appropriate magistrate to prevent an imminent attack." --Charles Colson


i can't think of a creative name

but i thought this would be fun to post anyways, so i figured what the heck. my friend rachel is convinced, for reasons beyond my ken, that i am going to marry an asian woman. she hadn't said anything about it for awhile, but then the other day i got a letter from her. it included an ad she found in a magazine for destina japan, which contained the following:
"Japanese Woman as The Love of Your Life. Look no further. Destina is a reputable search firmwhich introduces the most eligible single Japanese women to you. If you are successful, single and selective, call us right now."

needless to say, i broke out laughing when i read it. i realize this is a serious service, but it was just so funny that rachel actually sent it to me. at this point, i'm not looking for a wife, japanese or otherwise. but who knows? maybe some day rachel will be proven right. after all, "You will have a great opportunity to meet your destiny through Destina."

now that's dedication

powerline points out the story of a woman who showed up to vote in a bush-cheney shirt, and was told--but not until right before she was going to vote--that displays of the candidates names are not permitted within 500 feet of a polling place. though this is very true, she was upset that nobody had told her sooner. at this point she had already signed the voter roll, so she was unable to go home and change. bur rather than giving up, she improvised: she took off the shirt and voted in her sports bra. now that, my friends, while being slightly odd (and potentially awkward for other voters), shows true dedication. looks like the dem's efforts at indimidation came to naught.


yay for politically incorrect humor

"President Bush claimed victory before a crowd of cheering Republicans at the Reagan Building Wednesday. They may have gone a little overboard. Dick Cheney said President Bush was given a mandate, which is now illegal in eleven more states." --Argus Hamilton
(for those of you who don't know, he's referring to the fact that voters in 11 states decided that gay marriage should be illegal.)

"Iran's Parliament passed a bill Sunday approving a uranium enrichment program that defies the West. It greatly increases Iran's leverage. The measure makes their uranium so rich that President Bush just offered it a tax cut and John Kerry proposed marriage." --Argus Hamilton

"Yasser Arafat was reported on Monday to be recovering miraculously in a Paris hospital from the grave condition in which he arrived. He's so competitive. His goal is to tie Israel's all-time record for most number of resurrections in one country." --Argus Hamilton

"The Grand Old Party captured the popular vote on Election Day thanks to a huge turnout of Republican voters. There is one consoling fact for the Democrats. The ozone layer is fading so fast that by the next election everybody will be black." --Argus Hamilton

"Yasser Arafat collapsed into unconsciousness Wednesday, causing his doctors to describe the PLO leader as gravely ill. His death could cause a major disruption. The Israelis thought they were done with the Jewish holidays this year." --Argus Hamilton

ok, so really it was just an argus hamilton day. but he's a funny guy, bashes both sides... you should check him out. just not in that way.

darn that economy of ours

it just keeps on growing. whatever shall we do?


for your viewing pleasure

the link in my last post goes to a county-by-county breakdown of who won the 2004 election. to make things easier, and make sure people actually see it, i decided to post a copy straight-up:

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for those of you who might have forgotten, the red ones were won by bush. i would still recommend following the link, cause there's some other cool stuff on the site.

now that the election is over, and kerry gave up peacefully (which is more than i can say for some people... *cough* forrest *cough*), i don't feel the same urge to harsh on or preach against the liberal left (a.k.a. most democrats), so the quantity and tone of the quotes i post will probably change. since i'm reading through "dune" again, here's a fun quote... it may be a bit off, since i'm doing it from memory:

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." --Bene Gesserit litany against fear

courtesy the VRWC

or at least one of them. my vast right wing conspiracy had an interesting find today: the bbc wants to know why we elected bush. follow the link and view some of the reasons. then take a look at this map and see how vast the "conspiracy" (read "intelligent, informed section of america) really is.

"The office of government is not to confer happiness, but to give men opportunity to work out happiness for themselves." --William Channing


way to be

i was originally going to post a really nasty open letter to kerry and his supporters, but it looks like that won't be necessary. contrary to my predictions, this one is not going to court; kerry is taking it like a man. for the good of the country and our electoral system, he is conceding the race. while i still don't like the man, and probably never will, i respect him for making the right choice. way to be, mr. kerry.

here's to four more years of a good man at the helm. president bush: welcome back.

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who would osama vote for? and even forrest wouldn't go this far.

well, osama definitely isn't pulling for bush. you can read the transcript of his entire tirade over here. he's all for retaliation in kind... unless, of course, he's not the one doing the retaliating. sounds like the democrats version of free speech: apparently, it only applies to them.

and while to the best of my knowledge forrest disagrees with the reasons for the war and the war itself, and really doesn't like bush, even he wouldn't go this far. here's a brief summary of the article, thanks to wizbang:

Jimmy Walters, the man behind the campaign that has placed commercials showing the collapsing buildings at the World Trade Center and a computer-generated image of the plane that hit the Pentagon on television in New York, and full-page print ads in newspapers across the country, said he has a definite political aim.

"If George W. Bush is re-elected, I don't think we'll get anything done," he said...

"We were terrorized and it wasn't 19 screw-ups with box cutters from Saudi Arabia," he said. "It had to be somebody bigger, better organized."

His conspiracy theory involves secret U.S. government operatives boarding the four hijacked planes, which he said were then secretly landed and replaced in the skies by remote-controlled drones that were then crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, all to create a pretext for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

if that's not way out there, i don't know what is. liberals are crazy people.

why does stuff like this not get shown on major news networks?

get your salt shakers out, ladies and gentlemen. i don't think you'll need to use the whole thing, but i would recommend taking at least a few grains before watching a preview of a report over here. apparently, we've discovered somewhere in the area of 30 kg (about 65 or 66 pounds) of weapons grade anthrax in iraq.

"Kind of an embarrassing moment at this year's traditional Easter egg hunt on the White House lawn. Of all the people invited, Hans Blix was the only one who couldn't find a single egg." --Jay Leno