revenge of the creep

entaro adun, executor. despite our best efforts, the creep has returned. as yet we have spotted no zerg activity, but we believe it to be only a matter of time before they attack in force. your mission, whether or not you choose to accept it, is to eliminate the creep once and for all. good luck... you're going to need it.

explanation: the creep is how dave and i refer to the mess in our room, which can be seen below. it never gets messy all at once; trash, laundry, books... it gradually spreads across the floor, consuming everything in its path. assuming we are ever able to complete our campaign of cleaning, i hope to have some "after" pictures up, to prove that our room is once again suitable for life, human or otherwise.

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i think that's actually a reflection of me on my monitor... weird

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creep doesn't look too bad from that angle...

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dave is an amazing photographer, as evidenced by the camera string in the picture

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well, at least the ceiling is clean

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oh sh-t, zergling rush!

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we... are going... to die!

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all quiet on the western front...

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sir! they've captured the high ground!

if i don't post again in the next few days, you can assume that our position has been overrun, and should be avoided at all costs. it would be a shame to see this spread to the rest of mankind. when it does, it usually ends up evolving into something like this.