national insult week

is something that i think i just made up. i could be wrong. but google thinks i'm right.

so, here's the plan. maybe it's a stupid plan, but work with me. starting tomorrow, every day for one week i'm going to post a picture, quote, paragraph, etc., that is designed to piss someone off. starting with the famous mohammed cartoons. because let's face it: the muslim "community" is going way overboard in their reaction to the pictures: the fanatics by threatening death and destruction, and the "mainstream muslims" by not working to keep the fanatics in check. i'll admit, Christians have some whackos of our own, but last i checked pat robertson isn't threatening to lop off heads or crash airplanes into buildings that belong to people he disagrees with.

also see here and here, and if you're still interested, everybody's favorite, non-censoring search engine will have more for you.

please note that the insult week will not be aimed solely at muslims; in fact, after the first day, i plan to target a different group every day. if you have anything that you would like added to insult week, send me an email and let me know. as long as it's not tastless (ex: pr0n), i'll put it up. i figure the last day will be a "general" category, so if you submit something and don't see it right away, wait for next wednesday. it'll be there.